Last night had the first defensive timeout that I have an issue with this season
Down 28-18 in Q4
14:14 left when the whistle blew on the 2nd down tackle and it went from 2nd down to 3rd and 10. THIRD AND 10
We let 41 seconds run off the clock down to 13:33 as the offense and the defense got set up and we looked intently at their formation. They had 2 TEs in tight on the left side (Covered by Moeak, Orr & Rhodes...perhaps with a little help from Wicker with a bump or more) and 2 WRs wide right (covered by Gump & Rhodes)
The RB motioned out of the backfield to the right as the QB was calling signals. Perry was on the side where the RB was motioning towards
Moeak evidently at the last second notices that the RB had been set up on the opposite side of the QB to where he was and follows him late while he is pointing and communicating
Just prior to the snap CTG gets the timeout
It is very surprising that Moeak with all of his experience beinbg out of position looks like the likely culprit in this
It is surprising that this deep in a game that the offense is able to completely baffle us with such an average formation (double TEs is not totally normal but its not trips with 3 WRs standing one behind the other and anothe receiver motioning in that direction).
It is fortunate that the 41 seconds burned and that the timeout used did not cost us as needing 2 scores to win in Q4 might often times do
This will be another that Brand will use in his stats as a success, thank goodness
Down 28-18 in Q4
14:14 left when the whistle blew on the 2nd down tackle and it went from 2nd down to 3rd and 10. THIRD AND 10
We let 41 seconds run off the clock down to 13:33 as the offense and the defense got set up and we looked intently at their formation. They had 2 TEs in tight on the left side (Covered by Moeak, Orr & Rhodes...perhaps with a little help from Wicker with a bump or more) and 2 WRs wide right (covered by Gump & Rhodes)
The RB motioned out of the backfield to the right as the QB was calling signals. Perry was on the side where the RB was motioning towards
Moeak evidently at the last second notices that the RB had been set up on the opposite side of the QB to where he was and follows him late while he is pointing and communicating
Just prior to the snap CTG gets the timeout
It is very surprising that Moeak with all of his experience beinbg out of position looks like the likely culprit in this
It is surprising that this deep in a game that the offense is able to completely baffle us with such an average formation (double TEs is not totally normal but its not trips with 3 WRs standing one behind the other and anothe receiver motioning in that direction).
It is fortunate that the 41 seconds burned and that the timeout used did not cost us as needing 2 scores to win in Q4 might often times do
This will be another that Brand will use in his stats as a success, thank goodness