Ralph Amsden and Hod Rabino recap the 2018 Arizona State Sun Devil Football season. (90 Minutes)
Personal news: This was my last Devil's Junkie Podcast- I'm going to be working on developing some projects that have been rattling around in my head for the last couple of years. The Podcast will stick around in my absence and I'm excited to see how it develops.
It's been an amazing four years as part of DevilsDigest, and I'm going to miss everyone here. Even the ones who won't miss me back.
I'm grateful to Hod for his patience and support, and remain in awe of the awesome community of Sun Devil fans he's cultivated.
He's a good person.
As my daughter's third birthday approaches this week, I want to personally thank those of you who helped us both cope with, and recover from, her brush with death back in December 2015. You kept us fed, encouraged, and from drowning in medical bills. I think of you all when I look at her.
You are good people, and you make me proud to be a Sun Devil.
Personal news: This was my last Devil's Junkie Podcast- I'm going to be working on developing some projects that have been rattling around in my head for the last couple of years. The Podcast will stick around in my absence and I'm excited to see how it develops.
It's been an amazing four years as part of DevilsDigest, and I'm going to miss everyone here. Even the ones who won't miss me back.
I'm grateful to Hod for his patience and support, and remain in awe of the awesome community of Sun Devil fans he's cultivated.
He's a good person.
As my daughter's third birthday approaches this week, I want to personally thank those of you who helped us both cope with, and recover from, her brush with death back in December 2015. You kept us fed, encouraged, and from drowning in medical bills. I think of you all when I look at her.
You are good people, and you make me proud to be a Sun Devil.