Transcript of Bercovici's Press Conference

Hod Rabino

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2015
Q. Mike, is it hard to guard against a letdown after such an emotional win like that against U of A, which is normally your last game of the season?
MIKE BERCOVICI: Obviously, it was an incredible win, just an incredible feeling, especially Coach Graham talks about one of the best memories about senior night or Senior Day is that you won the game, and we accomplished that. It's just something that's going to hold with us forever, especially this senior class.

But it is a new week, and there's a lot riding on this game this week. So we're just going to rally up. It's time to move on. We definitely -- we enjoyed the win, but it's time to focus, and the focus is Cal.

Q. You guys had a lot of success -- last game you had a lot of success stretching the ball vertically. Pushed Devin Lucien in twice and then Jalen Harvey. What did you see out of the last game that really made that possible?
MIKE BERCOVICI: A lot of it boils down to preparation. We had a great week of preparation, practiced extremely hard. I think we're one of the only teams in the country that are still in pads at this point of the season and going full speed, 100 percent. We know how practicing at a very high level helps us perform at a high level on game day.

So credit to those guys getting open and making plays. Offensive line played one of their best games all year. But moving on to this week, we're going to have to do a lot of the same things and just stick to our fundamentals.

Q. Mike, a lot was said about the last home game for the seniors. Now for the seniors it's the last Pac-12 game that you guys will ever play. Has there been talk among the seniors about that? How much would it mean to finish conference play that very last time with a win?
MIKE BERCOVICI: Actually, Coach Norvell, that was the last thing he said to me in meetings today. He said, you realize this is the last conference game you'll ever play, and it kind of hit me because it's just such an incredible conference. A lot of us guys have been able to be a part of it for five years, and just knowing we're going to be on the road and just have another opportunity to play our hearts out, just like we did last week, and just have fun. I think that's been the message these last couple weeks is have fun, play hard, and play for the person to the left and right of you.

Q. You're obviously known as a quarterback who does a good job spreading the ball, but then again, you have to take what the defense gives you. Was it harder, maybe concentrating a little more on Devin Lucien, less last week, maybe not spreading the ball as much as you did in previous weeks?
MIKE BERCOVICI: Devin's been an incredible asset to this football team, just what he brings as far as speed and physicality and having great hands. Obviously, you never want to operate outside the system. That's something I've continued to learn every single week and just being able to see -- playing with your eyes, hands, and feet. Coach talks about that all the time.

It's really -- it boils down to preparation. If Devin keeps getting open, he's going to get the ball. That's just how it works. Wide receiver position is obviously a unique position because everybody wants the ball but there's only one. Our offense is at our best when we're doing what we're coached to do. As long as the quarterback unit can keep doing that, we'll keep moving forward in the right direction.

Q. Mike, Todd said that an injury that may have gone unnoticed was Jalen Harvey's, and now that having him back, he's making plays. What does he add when he's out there?
MIKE BERCOVICI: When I think about Jalen Harvey, I just think about physicality, just the fact that, when the ball's in the air, Jalen's going to come down with it or nobody is.

I've got a special relationship with him because he's one of the funniest kids I've ever been around. He's very comfortable for being such a young kid around here. He's got his hands with a lot of different people -- he's got a lot of different relationships on this football team. He's the kind of guy that sometimes just shows up on our doorstep to watch the Pittsburgh Steelers game the other day with us. He's just such a comfortable kid, just for being a redshirt freshman.

As a quarterback, when I see him out there, I've got all the trust in the world for him because I know how he prepares and I know the type of tenacity he plays with. He's going to be a special player for the football team for years to come.

Q. How do you think the career of Jordan Simone should be remembered by Sun Devil fans?
MIKE BERCOVICI: Man, if people only knew half of the amount of preparation that that kid does. I mean, here's your Jordan Simone speech. I've lived with him for quite a while now. The kid eats, sleeps, and breathes Arizona State football.

He goes to sleep about 8:30 at night. We make sure there's quiet hours when we're in season, and Jordan, all he does is he stretches, watches film, makes sure he does his homework on time. But the kid is just -- he's been my favorite person I've ever watched play football in my entire life.

Q. Mike, if you can, going back to 2012, there was so much said about this program, couldn't win in California, couldn't win in California, but then Todd's first year, you guys go to Cal and get that big win. How big was that win to turn the tide for this program?
MIKE BERCOVICI: I remember that win. It was -- it felt special when we were up there and we won. Just I think one of my biggest memories is just kind of celebrating with Sun Devil nation in the corner, whenever you're at a visiting away site, and I think that's just kind of the spark that, when we do go on the road, just because of the values of this program is about, if we stick to our character, stick to our identity, it doesn't matter where we are, we can go get a win.

It's not about talent. It's not about the rankings. This is the five stars, high school recruits, whatever. It really boils down to the leadership that you have on the football team and what's in the hearts and minds of the players.

I think that just going into it expecting to win and just not being cocky, but just having a certain swagger about you, that this is a fun sport, and whoever shows up that wants it more that day is going to win. We're looking to go on the road and play our hearts out.

Q. Mike, you're personally winding down. There's only two games left. I want to get your thoughts on how you approach these last two games.
MIKE BERCOVICI: It really is more about how we approach these last couple games. Coach talked about that today. Obviously, wins and losses are something that -- I can't tell you that in 30 years I'm going to remember my career win-loss record here since 2011. I couldn't tell you that right now. But what I will remember is just those times that we've had on the field, off the field, at Bowl games, and just the memories that I have with the guys to the left and right of me.

So it's just going to be a special opportunity to soak in these last couple tram rides when we're freezing with our helmets on or those hot summer days. It's just going to be a special time to reflect on these and obviously go win football games.

Q. Can you just talk about the scout team this year and what you've seen in them and what kind of look they've been giving you to get ready for these games.
MIKE BERCOVICI: That's a great question. It's something that I've been talking about all year. I actually remember when Jordan used to play on scout team, he used to give us a lot of troubles, like, Jordan, they don't do that. They don't do that. But he's just being a reactive football player.

And we do have some of those guys on our scout team right now that are making athletic plays, that you can just see in the years to come, these are going to be freaks, freak talents out there on the football field.

A couple guys that come to mind is Jalen. Jalen Bates, he gives us problem on that defensive line. Bo Wallace has been incredible. A lot of the guys on that scout defense is just -- they just work their tails off. It's going to be pretty special to see them suit up and make plays in Sun Devil Stadium.

Q. Just want to get your thoughts on Thanksgiving. What do you like to throw down on Thanksgiving? What's the best part of the day for you?
MIKE BERCOVICI: Unfortunately, my mom, I haven't had my mom's Thanksgiving in quite some time. I'm definitely a stuffing guy. I'm a white meat turkey guy.

But I will be heading to the Simone household this year. We'll see what that Italian family has going on. I can't say it's going to be better than the Bercovici household already, but it's going to be special. I love Thanksgiving, one of my favorite holidays, just because of what it represents. I'm ready to try the Simone stuffing and see what it's all about.

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