Ohio State loses $38m in 24’

Ohio State just reported that they:
Spent: &292m
Earned: $254m

For perspective, ASUs budget is $125m

I bring this up because of the moves we’ve seen from Rossini.

Michael Crow said in 2024 “We’ve changed the model that’s going to allow us to have our athletic department focus on victory… the rest of the enterprise (meaning ASU at large) is going to worry about the bigger financial issues.”

Since Crow’s statement, I think it’s safe to say that he meant it. ASU football has won a B12 conference championship, paid Dillingham and his assistants handsomely, committed millions to Muni, funded baseball scholarships etc.

What do you think? In the last year does it feel like Crow is letting his AD focus on victory?

Do you like Rossini’s priorities?

Does this shift change your opinion of what Crow’s legacy will be as it relates to ASU sports?

If you were Rossini do you feel a sense of importance to manage this freedom responsibly or do you throw caution to the wind knowing you have the corporate credit card? Specifically relating to Hurley?

STORY: Increased number of scholarships will elevate ASU Baseball

“To have the flexibility to go after the best talent in the country and bring them here is a message." ASU's decision to increase its scholarship allotment to 34 in 2026 will increase its competitiveness in the new landscape of college baseball

BJ Freeman

Apparently BJ Freeman was suspended for fighting with a teammate, which appropriately qualifies for conduct detrimental to the team even on a Bobby Hurley coached team.

In other news, Adam Miller was BJ's sparring partner...Two seniors duking it out in front of the three Freshmen to directly learn from observation. These are paid players nowadays. They are de facto professionals roaming the campus. Nice work fellows. It is fair to assume that BJ was the instigator in this case. There is nothing like a tightly connected team as long as the connection is not an upper cut or hook into a teammate's schnoz.

We'll find out Wednesday at Texas Tech which one of these two guys landed his punches. There should be some residual visual reminders.

Allegedly Bobby still maintains some level of control of the team on and off the court, including the locker room, so no worries there.
